As every gopa and gopi squirt colours at each other on the crowded streets of Vrindavan, Krishna corners Radha and playfully teases Her, “Come on Radha! Tell me, which colour should I now throw on your already colour-drenched clothes?”

Radha giggles and simply says, “O Krishna, just throw the colour of love on me, which the world cannot see!”

-“Braj mein Holi aayi re” by Shri Ravindra Jain♥️

Radha Rani and Shri Krishna playing Holi in Vrindavan🥰 A recent work done for the occasion of Holi♥️ A scene that mesmerised me while watching the Shri Krishna serial by Ramanand Sagar ♥️ Tried to recreate it in art form in my own style (Digital, Procreate on iPad)♥️

Happy Holi! 🎉
Kindly do not repost🙏🏻

Radha Krishna Holi Painting Digital

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