Frozen Fever is an animated short film by Disney, featuring the characters from the movie Frozen (2013), released in 2015 along with Disney’s Cinderella. It is a short-film, and the story is based on Anna’s 19th birthday. Because of Elsa’s
Hill Climb Racing : Game Review
I’ve been playing Hill Climb Racing for some time on my Dad’s tablet. It’s a nice game to play, even if you don’t like cars or racing or similar stuff. Even I wasn’t interested in such things nor am I
My Review of ‘The Lost World: Jurassic Park’ – 1997 Movie
Being impressed by the first movie, Jurassic Park, I decided to see the second movie, The Lost World: Jurassic Park, filmed in 1997. It was as good as the first, but was more complicated and more disastrous. The mathematician and
Terminator 2: Judgement Day | My Review
Recently, I watched Terminator 2: Judgement Day directed by James Cameron. The film stars The film stars Arnold Schwarzenegger, Linda Hamilton, Robert Patrick, and Edward Furlong in the leading roles. It was an amazing film, owing to the fact that
My Entry to Kao International Painting Competition
Used to participate in many international painting competitions every year when I was in small classes. Kao International Painting Competition is a popular art competition conducted by Kao Corporation, Japan. Participants need to send the original work by post to
Why Are Our Passions IMPORTANT?
Everybody on Earth has a passion or a hobby. No one can deny it. It can be anything. For instance it can be the usual ones such as dancing, painting, singing, reading, writing, sports, gaming, and so on. But it
Just as there are different painting mediums, there are numerous types of paintings: Landscapes / Scenery: Landscapes or scenes of nature are a popular type of painting. The most common ones done are the sunset paintings which involve a red
Reading the title, you may or may not be confused, but what I wanted to convey was about my experience watching the movie, Jurassic Park. My parents tried to show me Jurassic Park and related movies when I was younger,
Different Types of Drawing & Painting Mediums
There are many ways in which you can express your thoughts on a sheet of paper. Each medium has its own way of painting or colouring. Different techniques have to be used for each type of medium. Here are some
‘Township’ Game Review
Recently I’ve resumed playing the game ‘Township’ on my dad’s tablet. Developed by Playrix, I used to play it long back, and stopped playing for some time due to schoolwork. But now, during the quarantine days, with nothing much left